2023 Hanging Tensegrity Statue
About this artwork
From the beginning, this model was designed with tensegrity in mind. Being stable in this seemingly impossibly-balanced state, the shapes required for such a structure lend well to the form of an amphithere.
This piece is 3D printed with a resin-based system. Due to the size and shape of this model, it was printed in 9 pieces, which were then fused together using the same resin material.
Yes, it is real gold leaf!
The threads are high-strength nylon, and will likely withstand more force than the actual model would withstand.
How to set up
Place the stand on a flat and level surface. Thread the tail of the dragon through the small loop of thread. The best place for the loop to land is between the third and fourth tail fin.
Holding the dragon upright, and maintaining some tension in the small loop, move the ends of one large loop over the second wing claw on one of the wings. Keeping some tension in that loop, do the same for the remaining loop. Once all three are in place, it should hold on its own!
For moving the model from one location to another, you can hold the dragon by the torso for stability, but you should move the model by moving the stand. Tilting it slightly backwards improves stability.
The base material is compatible with cyanoacrilate (CA) glue; commonly referred to as super glue. If a thread breaks, make a replacement loop by making a template out of cardboard of the same length as the loop length, and use it to tie a square not in a piece of high strength thread. Do a test fit of the loop to check the posiitons, and bond the knot with a dot of CA glue to stop it from changing the loop diameter. The loop diameter effects the overall position o fthe amphithere by a large amount!